Olfactory discrimination wood stiks for Obedience and Mondioring, Dell’Agoghè


Wood sticks for the exercise of olfactory discrimination for the disciplines of Obedience and Mondioring, a valid tool also for training for recreational and concentration purposes.

All the sticks have been carefully treated to eliminate any potentially sharp wood slag, in any case it is advisable to check them at each use to avoid the risk that during transport or use they may chip.


  • 10 cm length
  • 2×2 in height

Availability: Out of stock

SKU: A0105 Category:

Product Description

Wood sticks for the exercise of olfactory discrimination for the disciplines of Obedience and Mondioring, a valid tool also for training for recreational and concentration purposes.

All the wood sticks have been carefully treated to eliminate any potentially sharp wood slag, in any case it is advisable to check them at each use to avoid the risk that during transport or use they may chip.


  • 10 cm length
  • 2×2 in height
